Friday, September 7, 2012

Treat Dark Circles

  Early morning, hectic schedule, incomplete sleep, lack of beauty naps, computer screen, pollution are definitely the major reasons for the bright eyes to appear dull, tired & not so beautiful, it also leads to one major nightmare... yeah there… DARK CIRCLES.

      They haunt you, we all know that, so here are some handy homemade tips to get rid of them & act as they never did exist.

  • First & foremost: Get enough sleep, work can be stressful & can’t be ignored, but one can always sacrifice television, calls, late messages right?
  • Eyes are normally delicate, the tissue is pretty fragile, so never treat them harshly, avoid rubbing
  • Massage almond, olive or coconut oil with your ring finger on, near  around the eyes for 5 minutes provides moisture and also prolongs wrinkles
  • Used & frozen green tea bag, if kept on the eyes lightens the dark circles also proves to be excellent coolant.
  • Mixture of cucumber & potatoes juice apply to the dark area, let it dry, apply another layer, repeat this thrice, the results are radical
  • Milk cream if applied diligently & regularly to & around the eye help lighten the dark circle also acts as a eye makeup remover
  • Apply a mixture of half lemon juice & 1 tea spoon honey, to the affected area, massage & let dry, this will act as a less harmful bleach to give you bright eyes.

Saturday, September 1, 2012


Here is a healthy smoothie recipe which aids in weight loss:
  •  Take two handfuls of baby spinach, 
  • 1 apple, 
  • 1 banana, 
  • 1 cup of yogurt, 
  • 5 strawberries and 
  • 1/2 orange.  
Blend well and enjoy! 
This will give you tons of energy and nutrients while keeping the calories low.
This is the season when you should pedicure your feet every week as continuous exposure to water makes feet soggy and vulnerable to infections and cracks. Going to a spa or a salon every week is expensive and time consuming. Instead, do a pedicure every week in no less than 20 minutes time. This not only makes your feet look beautiful but also gives you a chance to pamper yourself.
Items you require to do a home pedicure are:
- A huge tub
- Warm water
- Turmeric powder
- Table salt
- Cleansing milk
- Shampoo/Body wash
- Chocolate sauce(optional)
- Half piece of lemon
- A foot brush
- Nail cutter and filer
Steps to do a home pedicure
- Fill a tub with warm water and dip your feet in for 5 minutes to help your feel relax
- Then add a teaspoon of salt, a pinch of turmeric powder and chocolate sauce in the warm water. Chocolate sauce will help your skin appear smoother and shinier. Salt will clean your feet whereas turmeric powder will act as a natural antiseptic to the germs on your feet. Keep your feet soaked in this mixture for 10 minutes
- Take your feet out of the water and massage them with cleansing milk. Take sufficient quantity and massage your toes and heels. This will help remove the dirt accumulated on your feet
- Then rub the half piece of lemon on your feet, especially your nails and heels. This will help remove tan and make your feet look clean and fresh
- Wash your feet in the warm water and gently massage them with body wash or shampoo. Then scrub them with a foot brush. Do not go overboard with scrubbing as this might cause injury to your skin and make your feet look lifeless. Finally, cut and file your toe nails. Remove the dirt accumulated in the toe nails with the help of a dirt remover
And you are done! Your feet will appear clean and beautiful than ever.
Tips to take care of your feet during monsoon
- Moisturise your feet with a good foot cream every 4 hours. This will keep them clean and hydrated. I use Aroma Magic’s Blossom Kochhar. Love the results and the way it soothes my feet and helps me feel relaxed. Apply it on your upper and lower feet and heels
- Always keep your nails painted as this helps your feet looking clean and makes your nails look dirt free. Always choose a dark and bright colour like red, blue or green
- Sprinkle an anti fungal powder between your toes to prevent fungal infections caused by rain water before wearing your footwear
- Do not keep your nails long. Longer nails attract dirt and make your feet appear ugly. Also, always file your toe nails to keep them in shape
- Always wear plastic or all season footwear. This will keep your feet dry and hygienic. Crocs and Foot In are two brands that offer awesome monsoon footwear of good quality and are affordable
- Last but not the least, always apply sunscreen on your feet before leaving the house. This will keep your feet even tone and free of dark spots and patches
Enjoy Happy and Beautiful feet this monsoon!

Sunday, June 12, 2011

PAck & GlOw

No time to visit the beauty salon coz of your hectic work schedule?
   Treat your face with array of natural face packs and feel pampered.
Note: Go natural. Natural homemade face packs are prepared using fresh ingredients and are devoid of artificial chemicals.

  • The Banana-Honey face pack: Prepare a mix of two table spoon of honey, one egg whit and small mashed banana. Mix all the ingredients to form a smooth consistency. Apply this mixture all over your face, and massage with the finger tips gently in circles for around 5 minutes,  Coat your face with the remaining mixture n let it rest for 15 minutes. Wash it off with water.
    This pack is a great way to rejuvenate your facial skin and give it a supple feel. it also give you a cooling effect which feels rewarding especially if you are tired.
  • The Cucumber-Oatmeal face pack: Grate one cucumber and mix it with half a cup of curd and oatmeal each. Mix well, take some and scrub your face, with finger tips, apply the remaining mixture spreading it all over your face. Leave it to dry for 20 mins, wash it later .
    This pack is great for those with oily face skin, The oatmeal here acts as a great scrub to get rid of dead skin, the curd helps to moisturize your skin, thus giving you a glowing skin.
  • The Potatoe-cream face pack: Mash half a boiled potatoe, add two table spoon of cream, half table spoon of honey and a table spoon of multani mitti, mix well to form a smooth consistency, scrub your face with a little amount of this pack, apply the left mixture on the face, let it rest till it is dry enough and wash it off with water.
    This pack helps you to get rid of tan, giving you a radiant glow
 Also, please wash your face before using any of these face packs for better results

Monday, June 6, 2011

PiNk :)

   Lips are very important, aren't they?
so why ignore them, lips too get tanned, damaged by sun, pollution, over exposure to cosmetics etc. Hence they tend darken, they no longer appear bright and healthy. So a good lip balm with SPF 10 is just what one may need. Along with that

  • Application of mint Juice for 5 mins
  • Mixture of honey and lemon juice(equal quantity), leave it for sometime n wash it off
  • Beetroot and butter paste works wonders if one desires pink lips
  • Regular application of honey will help to maintain the pinkness of lips
  •  If there are cracks on your lips just apply cheese before going to bed,this makes the lips soft.
  • Dab your lips with rosewater and apply butter or ghee before going to bed.
      Not only this, but also adequate amount of red, orange veggies should be consumed for a healthy amount of hemoglobin for healthy and pink lips. And avoid using products which are not suitable and cause damage. 

Get Rid of TAN

    So what if it has started pouring? Sun can Peek-a-boo anytime he wants, isn't it? and anyway Summers too were very bright this year, So get out of that tan now, and get ready to glow in the rains :)
    One of the major problems of skin is uneven tone, the exposed skin is way to dark, whereas the covered is normal, and when its time to flaunt it, it becomes way to bothersome, So heres are some handy tips:

  •  As the saying goes, prevention is always better than cure, A Sun block is a must, and branded is much better. SPF content should be according to your skin tone.
  •  Mixture of equal amount of tomato juice and curd, if applied on the affected part can show noticeable improvement within a week
  • For sensitive skin, cucumber juice and raw milk mixture can work wonders
  • For Dry skin, along with a tablespoon of besan, little tumeric, half a lemon juice and milk(if raw better) add half a tablespoon of honey, mix well, apply it on the affected regions and leave it for 25 mins, wash with chilled water and do not use soap, this remedy is best suited for nights.
  • For hands and legs: 1 tablespoon of vinegar to 1 tablespoon of curd, mix well, and massage it on hands and legs, DO NOT try on face(facial skin is way too sensitive.
       These are some home remedies which can be used, but along with this, a good sleep and body relaxation is a must and intake of minimum 10 glasses of water, it cleans the body internally by washing away the toxin and brings glowing  freshness :)

Pay Attention..!!

     Learning how to feel beautiful no matter what you look like takes time.
But it will change your life forever!
     These tips for improving confidence and self-esteem are inspired by those who are happy with their imperfection and strive hard to make them just perfect. They have physical flaws and weaknesses, yet they accept and even love who they are. That’s what feeling beautiful and confident no matter what you look like is all about.

Now now, some really important tips, follow them and assured results:

  • Personal hygiene, Very Important.
  • Don't Ever Compare yourself to anybody, absolutely no one, not even movie stars and rock-stars.
  • Focus on Your life, Like your goals, yourself, family, friends; if you are around people who you love and vice versa, they'll make you feel beautiful.
  • Live life to the Fullest.
  • Accept yourself, even if you don't really like it, u have to respect yourself to earn appreciation.
  • Be yourself, never pretend to be someone else.
  • Be Cheerful, kind, polite as well as witty, sharp, well informed and always on toes :)
To conclude, all these tricks are sure to play wonders in making you beautiful and gaining confidence. So dear folks just get ready to understand and cultivate these tricks in your life to look and feel beautiful and confident :)